HR Training


The Human Resources (HR) Training Status dashboard provides UHCL supervisors and employees access to view HR training statuses on all training categories provided by the UHCL Office of Human Resources: Mandatory, New Employee, Security, Professional Development (UHCL), Role-Based, etc.



The Human Resources (HR) Training Status dashboard provides UHCL supervisors and employees access to view HR training statuses on all training categories provided by the UHCL Office of Human Resources: Mandatory, New Employee, Security, Professional Development (UHCL), Role-Based, etc.

Detailed Description

The Human Resources (HR) Training Status dashboard organizes the training records from TAP (via PeopleSoft) into course categories.  Each category has a tab, and all courses can be viewed on the "All Training" tab.  Employees are categorized into one of three groups:

  • Those that have completed all training in the current category,
  • Those that have completed at least one, but not all, training in the current category, and
  • Those who have not completed any training in the current category.

Hovering the mouse of an employee will show a quick summary of their current year's training.  Right-clicking and choosing "Drill through" -> "User Training History" will show all training records for the employee.

Data Lineage

Note: A link will be provided in the future that will allow users to view the lineage of the data.

Data Source:  PeopleSoft (PS) CS

Table Name(s): 


Data Transformation Source:

  • Database: sqldw-prd\sql19dwprod
  • Schema: SECURE
  • Table Name(s):
    • HR.F_TRAINING - Contains the raw training data from PeopleSoft.
    • HR.L_COURSE_CLASSIFICATION - Tags individual courses with their category for placing on the appropriate tab.
    • HR.D_REPORTING_HIERARCHY - Creates a hierarchical view of all Positions from the PeopleSoft PS_JOB table.
  • View Name(s):
    • HR.TRAINING - Contains the filtered view of the training data for the current user

Dashboard Criteria:

  • Only records for the current user and their subordinates will be displayed.

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Currently, there are no related dashboards or reports.

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Currently, there are no similar dashboards or reports



Article ID: 4035
Wed 3/9/22 4:57 PM
Thu 4/27/23 7:05 PM