Project Management Life Cycle

The purpose of a project management life cycle is to provide a structured approach for organizing and managing all aspects of a project, ensuring that it is completed successfully and meets its intended goals. Different project management methodologies, such as Waterfall, Agile, or Scrum, can influence the structure and flexibility of the project management life cycle. 

The PMO provides project management for the full project lifecycle, as well as PM light, and business process analysis.

What is a Project, anyway?

A project is a temporary endeavor undertaken to create a unique product, service, or result​. It must have a beginning and an end​ with a clear purpose, objective, and desired outcome​. Typically, this endeavor brings about change

Project Manager

An assigned Project Manager (PM) plans, organizes, leads, and controls the project efficiently and effectively.  The PM manages the project through the full lifecycle including stakeholder identification, developing the business case, defining scope, requirements gathering, managing resources, schedules, issues, risks, and project change requests to ensure successful and on-time project delivery.

Business Lead

Business lead is a member from the business side, who understands the business processes, and will be trained to ultimately assume the role of the application administrator once the platform is fully implemented.

PMO Support

A dedicated member of the PMO staff, responsible for supporting the assigned non-PMO Project Manager in the efficient management of the project management tasks.

The Project Mangement Lifecycle consists of the following phases intake, initiation, planning, product selection, execution, monitoring & control, and closure. These phases make up the path that takes your project from start to finish. The specific activities within each phase may vary depending on the project's size and complexity.

Intake Life Cycle

Project Intake is a process of reviewing and evaluating a proposed project during the initiation phase. The purpose is to identify potential projects, sponsor, evaluate project proposals and their alignment with organizational goals and strategies. Screen projects to determine their feasibility, strategic fit, prioritization and resource availability


This process helps in the visualization of what is to be accomplished. This is where the project is formally approved by the sponsor/client, initial scope defined, and stakeholders identified. 


The planning stage is where the project plans are documented, the project deliverable and requirements are defined, and the project schedule is created. It involves creating a set of plans to help guide your team through the implementation and closure phases of the project.

Product Selection

This process refers to the selection, evaluation, and procurement of IT software that will be used and consumed in the project delivery.

Execution - Implementation

This process is also known as the implementation phase, in which the plan designed in the previous phase of the project activity cycle is put into action. The intent of the execution phase of the project activity cycle is to bring about the project’s expected results. Normally, this is the longest phase of the project management life cycle, where most resources are applied. 

Monitoring and Control​

This process oversees all the tasks and metrics needed to guarantee that the agreed and approved project that is undertaken is within scope, on time and within budget so that the project proceeds with minimum risk.


This is considered to be the last process of the project activity cycle. In this stage, we finalize all project activities, ensure that all objectives are met, and obtain formal project acceptance from stakeholders and hand over the system to business leads/designated administrators.

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Article ID: 16944
Mon 10/30/23 1:10 PM
Mon 10/30/23 1:54 PM