Titanium Work Instructions - Psychological Services Clinic (PSC)


Instructions on using Titanium Schedule for Psychological Services Clinic (PSC) students, faculty, and staff.



We would like to introduce our new client database and scheduler, Titanium.  We have video training that everyone should review to get acclimated to this new application.  We will be transitioning our client files from MS Teams to Titanium. 

Please note that students and supervisors are more than welcome to continue using MS Teams and One Drive as you are completing client documents.  However, all final signed notes and other important client information must be uploaded into Titanium once it is complete.

General Titanium Information:

  • Each student and faculty member will receive a Titanium Application username and password.  Once you log in for the first time, please change your password to one that you will remember.
  • Clinic staff will create all client profiles in Titanium. 
  • Clinic staff will schedule all clients in the calendar and the student therapist's calendar.  Any changes to appointments must be made by clinic staff only. 
  • If a client contacts a student therapist regarding changing or canceling their appointment, student therapists must notify the clinic, and clinic staff will make the changes.
  • Any client contact should be documented via phone note or contact note in Titanium.  These notes will take the place of contact logs.  Paper contact logs will no longer be used.
  • Student therapists are responsible for scanning and/or uploading any documents received from clients (e.g., assessment measures, letters). Clinic staff may assist students with this process.

Titanium Information Applicable to Everyone:

Everyone needs to review the following videos.  Please also look under the categories that you apply to you for other videos to watch.

Titanium Information Applicable to Students:

Titanium Information Applicable to Faculty:

  • Once a client is assigned to a practicum and student, the clinic will release the client to the supervisor in Titanium.  Once the client is assigned in Titanium, the supervisor and student will have access to all documents in the file, including intake information.  Supervisors will no longer have to ask the clinic for information to be sent to them about the client.
  • Faculty need to notify the clinic of which student(s) is (are) assigned to the client and if there is a student supervisor assigned to the client.
  • Please the following video:

School Psychology:

  • School Psychology students are allowed to have temporary paper files until the client case is closed.
  • Students are responsible for uploading notes, testing result printouts, reports, and any paper documents into Titanium.
  • The assessment overview page with the client's assessment score will be added to Titanium.
  • The detailed assessment protocols will be saved to the secured drive.  Please contact the clinic staff to access specific client protocols.

Accounts, Usernames & Passwords:

  1. Users require an UHCL account (NOT PCLAB)
    • For Faculty/Staff, they should already have a UHCL account.
    • For Students, a POI must be submitted by department to generate a UHCL account.
  2. Users require access to Titanium Share
    • Department must request user access to the Titanium Share by submitting a request to the UHCL Support Center.
    • Titanium Share access it granted to the UHCL account.
  3. Department creates user account within Titanium Application.
    • Your Titanium Application username and password are your last name and the first initial of your first name.  Ex.  HARRISC
    • The password when you log into Titanium for the first time is PSCsummer2021!
    • After logging into Titanium for the first time, you will be prompted to change your password.

Accessing Titanium Application:


  1. Connect to Academic Computing Labs (ACL) remote desktop:
  2. On ACL Remote Desktop double click the Titanium Desktop Shortcut.
  3. For the Login screen:
    • Select UHCL Psychological Services Clinic
    • Enter your Titanium login information
      • Your Titanium Application username and password are your last name and the first initial of your first name.  Ex.  HARRISC
      • The password when you log into Titanium for the first time is PSCsummer2021!
      • After logging into Titanium for the first time, you will be prompted to change your password.
  4. Student should now be logged into Titanium

IMPORTANT: When done using the Titanium Application, be sure to:

  1. Exit Titanium
  2. Sign-off Remote Desktop
  3. Exit VPN session


Option 1:

  • Use the Student method, utilizing the Academic Computing Labs remote desktop.

Option 2:

  1. For PC users only, on UHCL Work Computer, map a Drive connection to the Titanium File Share: \\titanium\TitaniumSchedule
  2. Once you gain access to the Titanium drive look for file, "Ti10.exe - Shortcut".
  3. Copy the "Ti10.exe - Shortcut" file to the desktop.
  4. Double-click the shortcut to open the application.
  5. When you open the" Ti10.exe - Shortcut" file:
    • Select UHCL Psychological Services Clinic
    • Enter your Titanium login information
      • Note: Mac users MUST use Option 1: Remote Desktop method.
      • Note: If off-campus, MUST use VPN to access Titanium File Share.



Article ID: 861
Wed 10/13/21 3:27 PM
Mon 5/2/22 10:16 AM