The Facts at a Glance (FaaG) dashboard offers users a 5-term trend overview of the institution's student body profile. The FaaG is based on the institution's Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB) certified data as of the official reporting date (ORD).
Detailed Description
The Facts at a Glance dashboard is based on the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB) certified CBM001/0C1 Census Student Report data. The data is certified as of the Official Reporting Date (ORD) and excludes Flex Entry enrollment in accordance with THECB reporting practices. The Facts at a Glance dashboard offers users the latest 5-term trend overview of the institution's student body demographics.
Data Lineage
Note: A link will be provided in the future that will allow users to view the lineage of the data.
Data Source: PeopleSoft (PS) CS
Table Name(s):
- PS_UHCB_001
Data Transformation Source:
- Database: sqldw-prd\sql19dwprod
- Schema: SECURE
- Table Name(s):
- CS.MQ_CB01Stdnt - Contains the CBM001/0C1 Student Census data transformation
- View Name(s):
- CS.D_TERM - Provides friendly display names for the term selector
- Criteria:
- UHCB_FLEX_ENTRY NOT IN ('1', '3', '7')
- STRM = [latest 5 like terms, i.e. latest 5 fall terms]
Recommended Dashboards/Reports
Census Enrollment Snapshot - offers the user a semester overview of the institution's student body profile.
Similar Dashboards/Reports
Currently, there are no equivalent dashboards or reports.