Document Signature Process in Microsoft Teams

Easy steps to efficiently manage document signatures and eliminate the need for extensive email exchanges:

1. Create a Secure Department Channel: In Microsoft Teams, establish a secure channel within your department's folder.

2. Grant Access: Ensure this channel is accessible to both the signatory and the team responsible for obtaining signatures.

3. Organize Folders: Under this channel, set up two dedicated folders: 'TO BE SIGNED' and 'SIGNED,' as illustrated below.

4. Easy Access: Make it convenient to access these folders by providing hyperlinks or bookmarking them in your web browser.

5. Customize with Columns: Enhance document tracking by creating additional columns in the folder. Here's a guide on creating columns in Teams.

6. Utilize Columns: It's recommended to include columns indicating Priority, Expiry Date, and Comments for effective organization.

7. Upload Documents: Place PDF documents requiring signatures in the 'TO BE SIGNED' folder, and include priority, expiry dates, and comments for easy identification of urgent documents. Refer to the screenshot below for a visual representation.

8. Simple Signing: Documents can be signed with a single click, facilitating digital signatures without the need for downloading. If it does not open with a single click, please use the option "Open"  and "Open in Adobe Acrobat" .

9. Effortless Oversight: Assistants can monitor the transition of documents from 'TO BE SIGNED' to 'SIGNED' once they are signed, while Department Coordinators can track the 'SIGNED' folders for completed documents.


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